Economics CollegesGeneral

Business and Managerial Economics Schools in the Northwest

In 2024, we rated 8 schools offering managerial and business economics majors in Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming.

We rank University of Idaho (Moscow, ID), University of Wyoming (Laramie, WY), and Seattle University the best three business economics schools in the Northwest.

See the best 8 business economics colleges in the Northwest below or narrow your search by program, state, or city in the Northwest.

Top 8 business economics schools in the Northwest:

University of Idaho - Economics School Ranking
1. University of Idaho

Moscow, ID, 2 business economics programs

University of Wyoming - Economics School Ranking
2. University of Wyoming

Laramie, WY, 2 business economics programs

Seattle University - Economics School Ranking
3. Seattle University

Seattle, WA, 2 business economics programs

Boise State University - Economics School Ranking
4. Boise State University

Boise, ID, 1 business economics program

Eastern Washington University - Economics School Ranking
5. Eastern Washington University

Cheney, WA, 1 business economics program

Central Washington University - Economics School Ranking
6. Central Washington University

Ellensburg, WA, 1 business economics program

George Fox University - Economics School Ranking
7. George Fox University

Newberg, OR, 1 business economics program

Northwest Nazarene University - Economics School Ranking
8. Northwest Nazarene University

Nampa, ID, 1 business economics program

Business & managerial economics schools in the Northwest by state:

Schools by State3 Business Economics Schools in Idaho1 Business Economics Schools in Oregon3 Business Economics Schools in Washington1 Business Economics Schools in Wyoming

Business economics schools in other regions:

Midwest: 62 schools
Northeast: 46 schools
South: 113 schools
Southeast: 82 schools
West: 24 schools

Popular economics school cities in the Northwest:

in Idaho:
Boise: 1 school
Moscow: 1 school
Nampa: 1 school
Pocatello: 1 school
Rexburg: 1 school
Twin Falls: 1 school
in Montana:
Bozeman: 1 school
Missoula: 1 school
in Oregon:
Albany: 1 school
Ashland: 1 school
Corvallis: 1 school
Eugene: 1 school
Forest Grove: 1 school
Gresham: 1 school
La Grande: 1 school
McMinnville: 1 school
Monmouth: 1 school
Newberg: 1 school
Portland: 4 schools
Salem: 1 school
in Washington:
Bellingham: 1 school
Cheney: 1 school
Ellensburg: 1 school
Pullman: 1 school
Seattle: 3 schools
Spokane: 2 schools
Tacoma: 3 schools
Walla Walla: 1 school
in Wyoming:
Casper: 1 school
Laramie: 1 school
Rock Springs: 1 school
Torrington: 1 school © 2024 · Home · Terms of Use · Methodology